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"Go For No"

Since we were kids, we were taught that the word no indicated a bad thing. The feeling of rejection or not being able to do something has taught us that "No" is something to avoid. But what if now, the "No's" are what we should hope for, as opposed to "Yes's?"

Administrator, Sean Ostendorf ran a thorough meeting on Friday, June 18, 2014 based off a book by Richard Fenton called, "Go For No! Yes Is The Destination, No Is How You Get There," a definite must read.

"The fear of hearing no, is the only thing that stands between us and greatness," explained Sean.

Because people are afraid of failure and hearing the word no, sometimes they avoid trying things again after that initial rejection.

Sean explains that we cannot take rejection personally, nor can we avoid failure on the path to success. Instead of focusing on results, focus on putting proper habits in place, such as the right attitude, proper preparation, and work ethic. The results you look for will be a by product of proper habits.

From Fenton's book, Sean explains The Five Failure Levels one must endure to ensure success. Read about them below:

Level 1) The Ability to Fail

• This is where we all start, because we all have the ability to fail. However, what keeps most people here at this level is the desire to avoid failure at all.

Level 2) Willingness to Fail

• People come to accept failure as a natural by product of the process of seeking success.

Level 3) Wantingness to Fail

• Here, successful people have developed the desire to fail, with faith that personal and financial growth will follow.

Level 4) Failing BIGGER and Faster

• Those that have reached this level have come to the conclusion that if failing is good, than failing faster is better! The bigger the goals, the more worthy the effort.

Level 5) Failing Exponentially

• This final level is reached by rare individuals who understand that massive success requires multiplication of effort. These individuals encourage others to chase failure, because they understand that if individual failure equals individual success, than group failure equals group success!

Without failure, there is no progression. If one is not failing in some capacity, then they are not learning. If they are not learning, they are not growing. Without growth, there is little to no success.

So with that said, fail. Fail bigger. Fail faster. Learn valuable lessons from failure and teach others.